Club News

Supporters’ Club News

Branches celebrate Tony Brown


Celebrate 50 years of Tony ‘Bomber’ Brown at The Hawthorns on Thursday, October 31 from 8pm. 
Guests include Tony Brown, Graham Williams, Campbell Crawford, Ken Foggo. Bar available. Members only but you can sign up on the night.


Former players Ally Robertson and Joe Mayo are the guests at the next meeting of the Sutton Coldfield Branch of the WBA Supporters’ Club on Thursday, November 7, at 8pm, at the Royal Hotel, High Street, Sutton Coldfield B72 1UD. They have both been guests before and are very entertaining and amusing. All are welcome. Free buffet and bar facilities available. ajhume99@gmail.comFor further details email Amanda Hume


The next meeting of the Kidderminster Branch of the WBA Supporters’ Club will also be celebrating 50 years of ‘Bomber’ Brown. Their guests will be Tony Brown, Stan Jones and Alec Jackson. The venue is Kidderminster Cricket Club , Chester Road, Kidderminster and the event commences at 8pm. A free buffet will be available on the night and the bar will be available. Members only but new you can sign up on the night.

West Bromwich Dartmouth Cricket Club have 30 memberships available at £10 per annum which allows use of their facilities on Albion matchdays, plus a parking space for £5 per match. WBASC members who might be interested in this offer should contact West Bromwich Dartmouth Cricket Club.