Baggies coaches prove a hit with youngsters in Delhi
OUR coaches in India are certainly making an impact – and we’ll have a host of new fans from Delhi cheering us on against Everton tonight (ko 8pm).
We landed around 10.30am after flying Air India from Birmingham International Airport.
And our delegation, which includes Albion Foundation coaches Dave Lawrence and Siobhan Hodgetts, travelled to the Delhi Public School, where the Delhi Youth League is based.
The Delhi Youth League, operated by our 'Pass It Forward' partners, Youth Football International (YFI), boasts over 60 football clubs from a wide range of backgrounds, including several teams from deprived areas.
And we settled down to watch eight games, with Dave and Siobhan selecting a 'player of the match' from each team, who were presented with West Bromwich Albion medals.
All of the players were delighted to receive Albion Foundation wristbands and have promised to cheer on Albion against Everton.
It is clear to see the passion for football the youngsters in Delhi have, as well as their will to learn and develop their footballing skills.
The smiles on the children's faces was a joy to see as Albion truly begin to 'Pass It Forward'.
Matthew Dainty (West Bromwich Albion Head of Marketing).