Women's Team

Hannah George | This and That Episode 9

This and That graphic with an image of Hannah George smiling at the camera while wearing the home shirt

Albion Women skipper Hannah George is the latest member of the squad to take on the This and That questions.

The defender talks about where her love for the beautiful game started, who her role models were, her “traditional” meal after a game, who her favourite artist is, the player in the team who puts on a theatrical performance in the changing room prior to matches and one thing she’d love to try in life.

The captain’s episode is not one to be missed. Enjoy!

Hannah George pointing and smiling at the camera while wearing a yellow away shirt

To start Hannah, what’s your earliest memory of football?

My earliest memory of football would be going to the local park and taking part in a football session which ran on a Saturday morning. My mom and dad used to take me down and I can remember really enjoying the first session. I did pretty well in it. Over the course of the following week, my mom took me to go and get some boots. I did that for a while. After that, I joined a local boys team and played in that team for a few seasons until I moved on to Birmingham City. 

What was the first football shirt that you owned?

It was a Liverpool shirt because I’m a Liverpool fan. I believe it had Michael Owen’s name on the back of it. I think it was given to me and I thought it was the best top ever. I wore it so much. I think it was really hard for people to take it off me.

What was the first football match you ever watched live?

Being from Worcester, I can remember my dad taking me to a Worcester City game when I was quite young. I couldn’t tell you what the score was or what happened in the game, but I’m pretty sure it was one of my first games. It was either a Worcester City game or a Birmingham City game. We used to go and watch Birmingham City a lot when I was little. 

Hannah George warming up before a game at The Hawthorns with the ball at her feet

Who was your role model growing up and why? 

My role model would definitely be Kelly Smith. I used to watch her play for England and also in the FA Cup finals too for Arsenal. She used to be incredible and she had a brilliant left foot. I used to love watching her play. Being a Liverpool fan, Steven Gerrard was also my idol. I used to want to have the same boots as him when I was growing up. Playing in midfield, the way he used to tackle and pass the ball was something I really admired. 

What’s your favourite meal to eat after a game?

That would be a Sunday roast. Obviously we play on Sundays and that’s quite a traditional thing for me to have after a game. 

What’s the best goal you’ve ever scored?

I would say one in the Plate Final in the 2019/20 season I think it was. We played Liverpool Feds and I scored a free-kick quite early in the game. It just went in over the keeper. I couldn’t believe it. I think it settled everyone’s nerves in that final and we went on to win. I’d say that’s definitely the best goal I’ve scored. 

Hannah George celebrating a goal in the home kit with Taylor Reynolds

What’s the best stadium you’ve played at?

I’ve had the privilege to play at a few big stadiums such as The Hawthorns, Villa Park, Meadow Lane at Notts County and many more. My favourite is The Hawthorns. I’ve managed, somehow, to score three goals there in my career. It’s a stadium I love to play at and the fans are always great and very supportive for us.

Do you have a favourite band or artist?

I have a variety of music that I like to listen to. I’d like to say Pink. I grew up with her music and I’ve seen her live. She’s an incredible performer and artist.

What’s your favourite TV show or series?

I think for me it would have to be Friends. If I don’t know what to watch, I’ll always put Friends on. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched the episodes and seasons.

Hannah George smiling during a warm up

Does chocolate belong in the fridge?

Definitely not. Not for me. I don’t like hard chocolate. It tastes much better when it’s kept out the fridge. 

How many spoons of sugar are acceptable in a cup of tea?

I don’t actually have an opinion on this one because I don’t actually drink tea. That’s quite unusual for someone to say, I guess. At least I get away with not making anyone a cup of tea.

What is your job?

I am a teaching assistant at a primary school currently. I really enjoy working with children. Every day is different because it keeps me on my toes. 

Hannah George in the yellow and navy blue away kit celebrating with team-mates after a goal

What is the proudest moment of your life so far?

In football, I would definitely say becoming the captain of West Bromwich Albion in my second season at the club. In that season we managed to win the Plate and get promoted back up into this league. That was a great achievement and there were some very proud moments in that season for me personally. 

If you could spend one day with a celebrity, which celebrity would it be and why?

This is a tough one. I would probably say Pink again because I think she’s pretty cool and she might even be able to teach me some of the acrobatic stuff she does during her performances. That would be quite interesting to learn. 

One thing in life you think is overrated?

Again, another tough one. I’ve never been a fan of crocs. I’m going to say crocs are overrated. That’s only my opinion. 

Hannah George in the home kit shaking hands with the referee before the Manchester United game

Do you believe in aliens?

I think there is probably something else out there in space. I don’t think we are the only living things in the universe. There’s no proof, so who knows, but I definitely think there’s something else out there.

If you could travel back in time and attend one sporting event from history, which one would it be and why?

I would probably choose the UEFA Champions League final of 2005. Liverpool against AC Milan. I think that was one of the best finals that I can remember. I think I was about ten. Coming back from being 3-0 down to then go on and win on penalties was amazing. I can remember going to school the next day and feeling so tired and almost falling asleep at my desk because I had stayed up to watch the game. My teacher knew I had been up late watching the game. Being there in Istanbul would’ve been incredible. I’d travel back to watch that one.

Who is the loudest in the dressing room and what antics do they get up to? 

I wouldn’t say the loudest, but Phoebe Warner would definitely be up there. She loves to dance and sing around the changing room before the games. There’s no getting away from it. She brings the energy.

The Albion Women team photo before the Manchester United game with the players in home kit

What’s the strangest way you’ve ever picked up an injury?

A few years ago, I think it was about two weeks before the start of the season, we were doing a drill. Nobody was near me and I was running backwards and went to turn, but completely fell on the floor. Everyone was laughing because they thought I’d just fallen over, but I’d actually really badly hurt my ankle. It put me out for about 12 weeks. That wasn’t ideal because when I picked up the injury, the season was about two weeks away from starting. 

One holiday destination you’d love to visit?

Everyone probably says it but the Maldives looks incredible and peaceful. It looks a lovely place to go and chill.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?

I think I’ve always wanted to try skydiving. I’m not too bad with heights but I think that would be really, really high. You’re up in a plane and then you’ve got to jump out. Someone would have to push me, but it’s something I’d love to experience. I’ve spoken to a few people who have done it and they’ve all said the same thing, that it’s an incredible feeling when you actually do it. Maybe in the future I’ll do it.

One word you think people would use to describe you?

I think that would depend on who you asked. I think the majority would say competitive. In any situation I can be extremely competitive. 

  • Women's Team
  • George