Olivia Rabjohn is the latest member of the squad to take on the ‘This and That’ questions.
In this episode, the 22-year-old talks about her sister who plays for Manchester United, her puppy, her fondest memories of football, her favourite artist, how she fills her days and much, much more!
Check out her answers below.

What is your earliest memory of football?
That would be playing football on the side of the pitch while watching my sister Evie play for a boys team. I just really wanted to go on the pitch myself, and that’s when I started trying to find a team of my own. I was probably about seven or eight. That’s where my love for football started and Evie, who now plays for Manchester United, played a big part in that. I hadn’t really thought about playing football myself before going to watch Evie. I was always into dancing and ice skating instead.
What was the first football shirt that you owned?
I had England shirt when I was younger. It had the No.8 on the back of it so I must have been eight. It was an Umbro one, a white Umbro one. It had a white collar too. I think it was the one England wore at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
Who was your role model growing up and why?
I think my grandma. She’s had so many battles with her health and all sorts. Just seeing her carry on, battle through and stay so positive is really inspiring and really special. I just wanted to be like her. She’s doing well now, but you’d never be able to tell any different anyway because she is so positive. She’s in her early eighties.

What’s your favourite meal to eat after a game?
I love Nando’s, I’m not going to lie. My order is usually a double chicken wrap or a fino pitta. The sauce is either medium or hot.
Who is your best friend in football?
Yeah, I’d say my sister Evie, even though I don’t really get to see her that often. Playing for United, she obviously lives up in Manchester. They get one day off in the week, so she tends to come home the night before her day off and then stays for the day. I’ve also got quite a few close friends here, particularly Phoebe Warner. I know all about her Jane McDonald obsession.
What’s the best goal you’ve ever scored?
I scored a free-kick against Manchester City when I was playing in Aston Villa’s academy. It was for the U21s and I think I was about 19. We were shocking in the game, but we had two free-kicks which I took. The first one I took hit the wall and bounced back out to me and I managed to hit it straight back towards goal and it went in. The second free-kick I scored directly from and I just remember thinking it was a really good goal. They were the only positive things about the game because I think we lost something like 6-2 or 6-3.

What’s the best stadium you’ve ever played at?
That’s a good question. I’ve been lucky enough to play at a few to be fair. The Hawthorns is always amazing. I also played at Villa Park and Brighton’s ground, the American Express Stadium. That was really impressive.
Who is your favourite band or artist?
I’m a big Taylor Swift fan. I saw her last year in the summer at Wembley.
What was your favourite TV show growing up?
Tracy Beaker. That show was class.
Does chocolate belong in the fridge?
I’m actually not that bothered. I’ll eat whatever chocolate is thrown at me. If I had to pick, I’d keep it out, but I’m really not bothered.

How many spoons of sugar are acceptable in a cup of tea?
I think two and then you’re pushing it.
What’s your job?
I have a couple of roles. I work for the Albion Foundation doing a bit of coaching and mentoring. I also do a bit of player care for a team called Leafield. I do a lot of one-to-ones with kids in the local area too.
What’s the proudest moment of your life so far?
Within football, playing for England. That was massive. I played for the U16s and U18s. I made my debut against Japan and played against Sweden, Norway, Slovenia, Slovakia and Italy. Outside of football would probably be graduating from University both times. I graduated from University of Birmingham in Sports Science and then I did my masters in Sports Psychology at Staffordshire University.

If you could spend the day with one celebrity, which celebrity would it be and why?
That’s a difficult one. Maybe one of the women on Loose Women. I absolutely love it. I don’t know which one in particular. Maybe Janet Street-Porter because I think she’s hilarious. Olivia Attwood is class too.
What’s one thing you believe is overrated in life?
Lie ins. I don’t really get them anymore because I have a puppy, but I’m not bothered by them anymore because you can get more done with your day. My puppy normally starts barking at 7.15am which isn’t too bad. He goes to bed about 10pm and he stays downstairs.
Do you believe in aliens?
No. I feel like we’d know about them by now.

If you could travel back in time and attend one sporting even from history, which one would it be and why?
I think that time ages ago when women like Lily Parr were playing and loads of people would go and watch women’s football. Stadiums were full. It was banned in 1921. I’d love to go back to before then to see what it would’ve been like.
Any matchday superstitions?
I am quite superstitious actually, even when it comes to meals and stuff like that. I like to have pancakes for breakfast before a game and then I put everything on on my left side first, such as my shinpad and sock and boot. I have the same carb powder in my drink too.
What’s the strangest way you’ve picked up an injury or got hurt?
I was playing football in the garden once without shoes on and I kicked the floor. I ruptured all the ligaments in my toes. It was vile. It was silly really. I was 16. It was the day before I went back in for pre-season when I was at Birmingham City. I had an England camp coming up so I made sure it didn’t keep me out for longer than I wanted it to be. I just got on with it after a while.

What’s one thing that annoys you about social media?
A lot of people have probably said this already, but just people having access to everyone and everything. People don’t show the reality either, a lot of it is fake or misleading.
If you could be any age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?
Eight. That’s when I first started playing football and I had some magical moments. You’d be young with no worries.
What does your perfect day look like?
It would probably be a matchday. I’d get up and have pancakes for breakfast and then probably take my puppy out for a walk. He’s a little Malshipoo which is like a cross between a Shih Tzu, Maltese, and Poodle. He’s good most of the time. I’d take him for a long walk and then play football. I’d get home and watch weekend TV with my family and then have some dinner which my mom will have cooked. Her food is great.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
I got this for coaching and it’s a game-changer. A heated gilet. I’ve had it about three months now and it’s changed my life.
Who is your favourite Disney character?
I do like Moana, but I love The Lion King, so probably Simba. Rapunzel in Tangled is a good one too.