Defender Taylor Reynolds is the latest Baggie to take on our 'This and That' feature.
In this light-hearted interview, Albion’s No.5 tackles a variety of random questions - with subjects ranging from memories and role models, to aliens and pineapple on pizza.
Take it away, Taylor!

What is your earliest memory of football?
Probably getting scouted for Blues when I was younger. I had only played for like two weeks, so it was a bit of a shock. I was 10 or 11 - I was quite old when I started.
Blues trained at Redditch United, and I played there because I lived in Redditch. They saw me training one week and asked me to go and train with them. I was ‘on trial’ for a few months, but it wasn’t really a trial at that age - you just trained.
What was the first football shirt you owned?
A PSG top about four years ago. I’m not a big football top person! No name or number on the back. It was the white and pink one, which I thought was nice.
I’m a Tottenham fan but I don’t go and watch them much because they’re so far away. I have a shirt now but I didn’t when I was younger.
Who was your role model growing up?
It sounds cliché but probably my dad. He’s just such a great guy.
He got me into football and I think he’d be heartbroken if I stopped! He comes to all the games, home and away. Even when I have played international matches, he’d get flights over and have a little holiday.

What is your favourite meal to eat after a win?
If I’m being honest, a McDonald’s cheeseburger. Double and plain - I don’t want anything else on it. No mustard, ketchup or anything.
But - I’d also have to say a roast dinner sometimes, especially with our games being on a Sunday.
Who is your best friend in football?
Izzy Green!
What is the best stadium you’ve ever played at?
Benfica when we (Wales) played against Portugal. I also love The Hawthorns, though.
Who is your favourite band or artist?
I’ve got two. I like SZA, and I quite like Tems as well.

What was the best piece of advice you’ve received, and who gave it to you?
To do with football, probably that making mistakes are okay. I used to - and still do - hate making any kind of mistake.
Because of that I used to just do the simple things as I wouldn’t want to make a mistake if I did the hard things. But you don’t get anywhere doing that. My coaches at Blues told me that.
What was your favourite TV show growing up?
I quite liked iCarly when I was younger, and Victorious. They were on Nickelodeon. I was a massive fan of those.
Does chocolate belong in the fridge?
Yes, but I need to take it out like 20 minutes before I eat it, otherwise it hurts my teeth. You can’t just keep it in the cupboard all day.

How many spoons of sugar are acceptable in a tea?
I have two. My dad tells me to have one, but I just feel like you may as well have zero if it’s not two.
What is your dream destination to go on holiday?
The Maldives.
Does pineapple go on a pizza?
Yes - but hear me out. I pick the pineapple off the pizza and eat it separately.
What is the proudest moment of your life so far?
Probably my first international call-up for Wales at Under-15s level.

Which celebrity would you choose to spend one day with?
Adam Sandler, he would be so funny. Or Keith Lemon. I just love comedies.
Grown ups would be my favourite comedy film. But if I see any film with Adam Sandler in then I just put it on.
Do you believe in aliens?
Not like the green, big-headed ones, no. But I’d be stupid to think there’s nothing else out there.
If you could travel back in time and attend one sporting event, what would it be?
The Spurs game when they came from 3-0 down in the Champions League against Ajax a few years ago. They were three goals behind and then Lucas Moura scored a hat-trick. I had goosebumps and actually cried at home.

Any quirky matchday superstitions?
I wouldn’t say I am superstitious. But I do have to have the same meal before each game, and actually I listen to the exact same song before I arrive at a game.
It’s called Emotionally Scarred by Lil Baby. It really just gets me pumped.
What is the strangest way you have picked up an injury?
A few weeks ago I went up for a header and a girl, out of nowhere, elbowed me in the face and cut my lip open.
It was a shock injury because I thought my gum was bleeding, but my lip had completely split in half and I had to have stitches.