
The Albion Foundation looks to support people's physical and mental wellbeing by encouraging resilience, positive thinking and mindset. We run a range of programmes focused on addressing challenges people face that may impact their wellbeing and quality of life.

To find out more work within wellbeing, please email ajay.gill@albionfoundation.co.uk.

We work to address loneliness and isolation, over 15,500 people over 65 live alone in our region and research has shown that 10% of over 65’s say they are lonely most or all of the time. Loneliness can cause further mental health issues and reduces life expectancy by 26%. When considering that people of all ages and backgrounds can feel lonely and isolated at any time in their life there are thousands of people locally that would benefit from support. 

Mental health is a growing topic for the health of our society. Many of us will experience issues – or know someone who will – during our lifetime. Our focus on active lifestyles perfectly positions us to offer solutions to help people struggling with their mental health. 

In Sandwell there has been a 61% increase in adult mental health services contact from 2018 to 2023. People with severe mental illness have a 10-25 year shorter life expectancy than the general population. While mental health issues have significant social and economic costs, most importantly is the impact on the quality of life for our residents. The statistically most at-risk group for suicide are males aged 40-60. 

Dementia will affect many of us in some way, with one in three people developing Dementia in their lifetime. There are around 3,300 people living with the illness in our region, and this is expected to double over the next 30 years. 

Memories Group
Memories Group in discussion with replicate FA Cup on the table.

Memories Group

A weekly session supporting people with Dementia and Alzheimer's.

Fit Baggies
Fit Baggies

Fit Baggies

The Albion Foundation's free Fitness Initiative for local adults.

Walking Football
Walking Football

Walking Football

Weekly sessions for local people with Parkinsons Disease