
Blind Dave Heeley Colour Run tints hundreds with joy

Heeley Family photo at the end of the Colour Run.

The Albion Foundation’s Blind Dave Heeley is always a highlight of the events calendar, it’s a staple of community action and brings the local area together.

This year came with a special twist, as the Colour Run would form part of Sandwell Council’s SHAPE Festival, hosted at Sandwell Valley Country Park.

The day begins as The Albion Foundation’s hardworking team of staff initiate the event set-up, which is situated towards the far end of the expansive pasture at the basin of the Park’s main road.

Staff work to mix the powdered paints provided by Ministry of Colours that would soon shower over 200 willing participants as they make their way through the two courses. Many pour the pulverised sand-textured particles into plastic buckets, which when laid across the floor show a rainbow of colours alike the type that would light the sky shortly after.

The participants arrive, greeted by friendly faces at the front desk as they’re handed their t-shirts branded with the magnificent logo on the anterior. The willing runners are also given their own personal packets of paint which will surely be used to douse friends and family.

Each group helps each other pin their numbers onto each side of their shirts, as selfies are taken and excitement builds – the adrenaline alone should surely push each participant through their respective distances.

As the runners are sent into the middle pen, which should act as a barrier for the rest of the public, so they don’t get drenched in colours as they walk past. They’re herded in there so that they can begin their warm-up as Tony Clarke, fitness extraordinaire from TC Fit kicks off an active afternoon with some invigorating pulse-raising activities. High knees, open and closed gates and star jumps are on show from all participants as they ready themselves for an exciting run through the Sandwell countryside.

Blind Dave Heeley Colour Run - The Warm Up photos.

The warm-up sees some youngsters, and adults, jump the gun with their colour packets. Plenty are already plastered in shades of apricot, emerald and teal as the warm-up ends and the big colour throw is about to happen.

Deputy director Jonathan Ward shocks many as he appears from behind the Foundation’s van bearing a colour cannon which upon the claxon, he sprays all participants with blue paint as they leap for joy throwing the remainder of their colour packets into the crowd.

The clouds in the sky are covered with colour, purple goes the highest whilst blues, oranges, pinks and yellows underline it as they make their descent from the sky and fall onto the once white t-shirts of participants.

Blind Dave Heeley Colour Run - The Run photos.

With everybody, staff included, completely covered in the whole spectrum of colours, the run is set to begin. Plenty streak ahead in the initial stages of the run, which includes a precarious bridge over the opening of the M6 North.

Colour stations are situated across both the three Kilometre and five Kilometre courses so if participants weren’t already covered in paint, they surely would be after passing volunteers and staff with point-blank focus on our runners.

The heat begins to build as the runners make their way around the course including grassy terrains, muddy puddles and stony paths. Some already cross the finish line and are greeted by, you guessed it, more coloured paint pellets.

The runners trickle through in spathes, with many MJPL and ETC players coming in towards the front of the packs, they’re here to fundraise for their upcoming season.

As Blind Dave Heeley crosses the finish line, rapturous applause greets him, symbolising another feat from the Foundation legend and another successful event put on by that very same organisation.

Following the event, deputy director Jonathan Ward was delighted with how it played out. “We’re incredibly pleased with how the day has gone,” Ward began.

“It was a great day full of colour and we were so happy to see so many at the event. Our staff have worked tirelessly to organise this and to see it in action created a great feeling for us all.

“We’d also like to thank our sponsors for the event, Bache Group, National Gas and Pertemps, along with Ministry of Colours for lighting up the event with their paint. A huge thank you must also go to SHAPE Festival and Sandwell Council for allowing us to be a part of a great day.

“TC Fit also provided a great warm-up and got the crowd going for this great day. Overall we’re pleased with how it’s panned out and the money raised allows us to continue our great work within the community.”

Blind Dave Heeley Colour Run - End of the Run photos.

  • Foundation