
Burnt Tree Primary School make the front page with Premier League Magazine Team

Greg Warren helps Donald during the Magazine Team intervention.

The Albion Foundation’s delivery of the Premier League Magazine Team programme has made quite the impact at Burnt Tree Primary School in Oldbury.

The Premier League Primary Stars programme, developed in partnership with the National Literacy Trust was created to increase motivation and engagement, whilst improving positive attitudes towards writing.

It involves students completing a 10-week intervention, in which they each create an individual double page spread on a topic of their choosing, all contributions will then be compiled to create a full-length magazine for pupils and staff to peruse.

“We’re really excited to see the outcome and showcase the skills that the children have learnt,” PE and interventions coach Greg Warren said. “For me, it’s really been a blank canvas, it’s been challenging but great in the sense of it being cross-curriculum with ICT and computer lessons.

“They’ve been learning how to research, find key information, making sure the facts they find are correct. Ultimately, they have been taking their findings into a magazine, showcasing a fantastic piece – it’s been really good.

“I think the pupils have been really engaged, I’ve tried to get their attention at times and they’ve just been cracking on and wanting to get going. The skills over the last 10 weeks that they’ve build up, typing, copying, pasting and researching, they’ve picked up these skills very well.

“They’ve been showcasing why I think they’ve become more confident in creating, whether it’s presentations or magazines but linking those skills together. I’m very proud of their progress.

“The confidence with every single child has been good. Everyone’s asked for help, but sometimes they’ll ask each other, and it’ll become a group discussion to share ideas and knowledge on what works.

“We have an editorial meeting at the beginning of the lesson, which are great. I’m impressed how they’ve done over this 10-week programme.”

The Magazine Team in action, one student has their hand up.

The programme allows pupils to be creative, whilst increasing computer proficiency. For Burnt Tree student Donald, working independently has been essential to his development in this area.

“Mr Warren has helped me to tell me how many facts I need with each parts,” Donald said. “He spots things I don’t see which is great.

“I’ve learnt facts about different subjects, other people’s opinions on them too. I’ve learnt how to do transitions, animations and how to record now.

“I would be super confident (if Mr Warren wasn’t there) because I know that I could do things by myself.”

You can view the completed magazine created by Burnt Tree Primary School HERE

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