
Walking Football Team ‘WBA Strollers’ Reaches Semi-Final in First Ever Tournament

WBA Strollers posing at their first-ever walking football tournament wearing the 2018/19 away shirt.

Strolling into the semis? After a year of training sessions together, our walking football team recently participated in a tournament for the first time. 

Nine players make up the close-knit team, known more commonly as the ‘WBA Strollers’. 


Andrew Meah (Def)

Shaun Newman (Reserve GK)

Wayne Mace (Mid)

Raj  Singh (Def)

Alison Geddes (Def)

Ian Dixon (Mid)

Keith Fox (GK)

Satnam Shakham (Mid)

Lee Morris (Fwd)


They entered the Staffordshire Walking Football Cup on 23 June, hoping to go far in the cup — but fully aware that defender Andy Meah was without his trainers! 

They were determined not to let that stop them, and soon enough were underway in their first match. Pitched into a group of four teams, the Strollers overcame a slow start to the competition by winning their final group match 1-0. With a win, a draw, and a loss in the group stages, they progressed to play a different group winner. 

In a semi-final match that went all the way to penalties, goalkeeper Keith Fox put himself in the firing line, saving the first penalty. Goals from Ian Dixon and Wayne Mace took the shootout to sudden death before the Strollers bowed out valiantly to their opponents. 

“I’m proud of everyone,” said the team captain. He added, “Getting knocked out on penalties in the semi-final is not a bad result, so well done to everyone”.

Our health and fitness team run weekly hour-long sessions for the Strollers, and we warmly invite anyone with an interest in getting involved to join us.

CLICK HERE to come along to our sessions every Wednesday at Sandwell Academy from 7:45-8:45.

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